A glance into mysticism and meditation

 One may study mysticism or metaphysics their entire life but the knowledge learned or acquired by whatever means chosen will offer little value to said individual unless it can be applied in a manner that not only improves their life but that of those around them. To that same degree one who would appear to be a vault of esoteric wisdom or a walking encyclopedia is not guaranteed a life of love, success, and prosperity. This is as to say with emphasis once more it is of my opinion that one who claims to possess great knowledge without the ability to demonstrate said knowledge in a meaningful productive way as to advances ones evolutionary trajectory then in fact said knowledge is nothing more than ash in the wind.

Focus and importance of mysticism

The main focus or practice of mysticism is the art of meditation. Mystical meditation is an expression of love manifested through the various forms of meditation in which the practitioner(s) choose to make direct contact with universal intelligence or the mind of God. This is of key importance as the power and intelligence of this universal force can thus be demonstrated in daily life allowing one to experience the intimacy of life’s deeper treasure.

Mystical “second sight”

Mystically defined if you will, “second sight” is the seeing of the third eye or “eye of the soul.” Second sight is gifted through the practice of mystical meditation. An individual unlocking second sight may see images in their meditation such as but not limited to; an inner light, cloud formations of various colors, and images of phenomena that can be flat or multi-dimensional. An individual may also see images from their own memory bank or from beyond the veil and or astral planes.

Why practice mysticism?
Practicing mysticism can have life changing effects on the individual mind, body, and spirit. Gifts that can benefit ones path are but not limited to; an increased awareness of others real motivations, noticed increase in optimism about your life, noticed improvements in friends, family, and co-worker relationships. One may also find themselves being more accepted by others. One will also become conscious of the mind, body, and soul trinity in which the soul has developed, thus manifesting demonstrations of positive measurable success in an individual’s life.

And so it is!
The practice of mysticism is a powerful journey of the soul that can bring about vast change within one’s mind, body, and spirit. If one is truly on the path then let their work if it must be judged not by worldly ambition and gain but by ethical evolution of the soul. 
