A metaphysical perspective to winning the game of life

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Being the winner

Why is it that individuals seem to be accepted more within society if they are perceived to have a winning atmosphere about them? People are drawn to a winner because this vibrational state of being is the manifestation of the human spirit. Being in a constant state of “winning” is a great example of manifesting our true nature therefore it is of no surprise that an individual who has a winning personality will seem to be received in an open loving energy by the majority.

Knowing thy self and failure

All failures can be looked at as steps towards experiencing success. Every mishap, failure, and mistake an individual encounters propels them one step closer to winning. Each failure is a symbolic representation of one more step taken on our path. An individual may encounter many failures before experiencing success but can rest assure that faith is nudging them towards it.
An attitude of belief in oneself will allow a person to remove obstacles they may face. This is because the God-power of your mind will flow through your consciousness more readily if one believes in oneself. This is how an attitude of one believing the God-power of their being can help remove obstacles one may face in life.

Affirmation for creating a winner’s mentality

One example of programming affirmations to create a winning mentality could be, “I contain the universal perfection to be a winner.” It’s best to write this down on a piece of paper and carry it with you throughout the day. Give this affirmation to yourself many times a day while in a meditated state to create a winning mentality. The point here is to constantly remind oneself throughout the day as seems appropriate that they are indeed a winner as so one may build a conscious reality of this fact.

Winning through metaphysical visualization

An individual may use the following visualization treatment to create a winning mentality. While in a light state of mediation form a picture of yourself in your mind. Next, see yourself living and vibrating the life of a winner. However you imagine a winner to be and feel, make sure you see yourself that same way in your imagination. Last, let the positive vibrations of your visualization treatment fully possess you. A winner mentality will become achievable the more you affirm this visualization treatment to your day to day life.

And so it is

When an individual vibrates to the true life within oneself and acts upon it they then become a winner. The winning spirit is the spiritual spirit that is found within oneself and is grounded in self-love. The use of healing affirmations and metaphysical visualization are an auspicious way to becoming consciously aware of the reality that you are indeed a complete winner thus you can start to vibrate closer with you God-self upon this realization 
