Tuning into your God-mind for success and happiness
Inaction the plague
The only thing that prevents any individual from taking action is self-doubt. Individuals who take action are doing so on spiritual faith since they are indeed acting on faith. Once the mind identifies what that faith is for said individual it can then become a focal point or pillar if you will for concentration of the individual’s consciousness. This will then make the faith being expressed through your God-self more real and effective.
We are multiple
The nature of the two selves that exist in every person is broke down into two parts which we will refer to as a) temporary self and b) the real self. The temporary self is limited in its awareness of itself or its possibilities and is created by the conditioning of society. The real self on the other hand gives cause for you to have existence. That existence is part of one infinite reality that exists as the true God-self.
What to do and how?
An individual can attune to the presence of their higher God-self in order for the mind to realize that it is not alone in its efforts. By doing this continually you will being to realize that you are not alone but are in fact being guided. This inner knowing inspires individuals to take action in their lives based on the realization of knowing of a higher power within them. Also when inspiration or a creative thought comes to your conscious mind, you should immediately tell yourself, “My higher mind puts this into action immediately.” Say this affirmation multiple times to yourself.
Clearing out old paradigms
If old negative thoughts are creating doubt or hesitation in an individual one should affirm to themselves that the negative thoughts are part of their old personal self. One may repeat the word cancel three times to help the conscious mind clear out the negative thought(s) as soon as it surfaces. Use affirmations daily to establish within yourself that you are indeed a new person. By doing this continually your subconscious mind will come to realize and accept the fact you are a new person which then shifts you automatically into the live you want to live.
The good fight
Whenever something good takes place in your life you should immediately give credit to your higher mind. If you do this constantly it will reinforce and integrate the true self-image of your being. Reinforcing this foundation brings forth life’s success and happiness. You should never feel limited or incapable because if one is not in a positive mindset they will find it difficult in receiving intuitive guidance from their higher God-mind. You should instead realize that it is not you but your higher mind that is doing all the work and take comfort in this knowing that you are universally loved.
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