Harnessing the power of your internal guidance system
Society in relation to the God-mind
There are many avenues and paths that society within this reality as we know it shall attempt to solicit ones attention. The alternative to going with society and living life in frustration is to be guided by an inner wisdom to a successful life through one’s God-self. When a person is tuned into their God-mind they are then intuitively guided to rely on self-direction. This self-direction that is being relied on is coming from a higher source.
Bringing your guidance system online
The main factor over any technique that contributes to establishing a relationship with your internal guidance system is the spirit in which one approaches life. For an individual this will mean many things such as but not limited to; absolutely wanting to receive direction form a higher intelligent source, having a sincere desire to be true to one’s own destiny, and having an awareness of the illusions that can possess one’s life from being guided by the ego. It also means when approaching activation of your personal guidance system in this manner any technique used by an individual will be productive.
Your higher mind and self-direction
Intuitive self-direction is generated easier when you are in a peaceful receptive state rather than being upset and closed off from one’s own guidance system. The happier you are throughout the day the easier self-direction will come. Therefore one may if they so desire should place life’s daily questions into the care of your higher mind because you set the vibration within you for higher self-direction in handling these questions as they arise.
Affirmations build self-direction
You shall affirm self-direction to your higher-self at least three times a day because if you wish your higher mind to lead you one must truly stay open to it. One should if compelled to think of saying multiple affirmations each day in the same terms as exercising a muscle. The more you do the exercise the easier it becomes for the muscle to produce more and more efficiently.
God, are you listening?
If you are open daily and expectant of direction from your higher-mind one shall understand it can come at any time, in any place, and under any condition. Staying open and being in a positive state of being is the key. The more we attribute positive thinking and affirmation towards the connection of our internal guidance system then the more we will notice and feel an energetic bond with our higher God-mind. This eternal bond created will be of a loving nature and will guide one to their desires in life in accordance with ones will.
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