Positive metaphysical visualization for spiritual acceleration

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Mystical power

In Metaphysical teachings mystical power is defined as the universal presence of God, which has its presence at the center of the human mind. When an individual is positively thinking on a conscious level of the mind, it allows the mystical power of your God-self to express through you. Your God-mind is positive in nature thus thinking positive helps express the mystical power of your God-self.

“Spiritual ESP” and staying positive
Having a spiritual base for positive thinking is of great importance because as stated previously our God-mind is positive by nature thus staying in a vibration of positivity will accelerate the integration of the God-mind. This realization will open a continual channel for positive thinking on the conscious level. The term spiritual ESP is being sensitive to mystical power through a spiritual based positive attitude. Thus, the conscious mind is open to receiving intuitive guidance and intelligence from our God-mind.

The radio tower and being complete

Have you ever wondered why randomly throughout the day you will receive or catch yourself thinking of the same thoughts over and over? In a psychic sense whatever thoughts we have in our conscious and subconscious mind are being telepathically sent out continually as if it were a radio station that is always on and communicating through its radio towers. This is very common and typically goes unnoticed unless the individual has cultivated a level of awareness able to identify and discern the information. This goes to say in a psychic sense whatever thoughts we have in our conscious and subconscious mind are being telepathically sent out on a continual basis. One may be considered “complete” once they have achieved an inward awareness of this continual broadcast of the mind and are able to identify ways to achieve an even greater inward awareness as to manifest outwardly success in one’s life during this process.

How to bring about mystical consciousness

One simple method for establishing a mystically invoking consciousness is through treatment affirmations. To use treatment affirmations you first need to select a positive affirmation that best fits your current need. Then, shift into a state of meditation and program your mind with the following: “Many times during this day, the following affirmation will enter my mind.” Afterwards if you so desire you can write your treatment affirmation down on a small piece of paper and carry if with you on your day to day activities. Whenever you find yourself with a spare moment refer to the treatment affirmation on the piece of paper and be certain that the meaning of the affirmation is accepted by your mind. One may also choose a different affirmation as this is only an example one should pick a statement for the mind that resonates with them on a vibrational level.

Staying aware

One should do their best to safe guard their thoughts as so one may then cultivate a mindset of positivity. This might be difficult task for some individuals to grasp as most have grown up and been taught for the most part a completely different way of understanding of what God is or isn’t for them based on accumulated experience. One may if possible also note that God is just a word. Use whatever term that best suits your need as to accomplish the work as stated above. There is nothing wrong with this and one should if capable love each individual all the same as you go about your work for the One is the all and the all is the One. 
