Staying positive minded while based within a transcendent attitude

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Juxtaposition and forming the triangle

Staying positive minded within today's societal structure can be a very daunting task indeed. One might strain to be vigilant of the mind and thus it’s thoughts as they hold key to your conscious reality. To be in a receptive state of being one would find fit to be in a positive state of being.
Thoughts on wisdom, power, and attitude shall form if ones desire aligns with the souls will an energetic triangle imbued by a positive transcendent attitude. Within this vibration one shall remain aware of the universal God-mind. This is of great importance as this is a life changing frequency that each individual has the inherent ability to tap into by will or design.

Psychological effects of negative thinking unto oneself

An individual can psychologically damage themselves by accepting thoughts of failure. By doing this these thoughts of negativity become a pattern rooted in your subconscious mind. Once these thought patterns take root an individual can become a living robot of their own mind.

Psychic effects of negative thinking unto oneself

Psychically an individual damages themselves by not maintaining a positive attitude in reference to radiating vibrations of failure. These destructive energies are released towards others and likewise received in return. This radiation of failure frequency energy has a negative effect on the psychic body. These prolonged energetic effects of negativity on the body can be attributed to common and severe diseases which are prevalent in societies around the world today such as cancer.

Spiritual effects of negative thinking unto oneself

Once more we may view the potentials that negative thinking brings to an individual. One may damage themselves spiritually through negative thoughts by putting forth a negative attitude of oneself to the mind of the universe. The universal mind of God is one, so by accepting negative thought patterns the universal mind will act accordingly in return.

In witness of the positive transcendent attitude

Five attributes that one with a transcendent attitude based within a positive vibration shall imbue are but certainly not limited to;

1. Recognition of a higher power at work in one’s life that can handle any negative situation that comes up.

2. A knowingness that life has meaning and direction because of the transcendent God-mind within.

3. Internal knowingness that life from the personal mind is not what we make it. Instead the positive transcendent mind knows our God-mind is working creation through us.

4. A positive transcendent attitude waste time blaming others for negativity. The positive transcendent mind instead tunes into the source of all wisdom within for guidance and or correction.

5. The positive transcendent attitude knows that if one is lacking in love, the personal mind will be guided in the direction of love.

Staying positive daily through visualization

A positive attitude transcendent visualization is stopping to reflect on your inner body. In this reflection visualize yourself being filled with the infinite mind of God as an infinite light that is within your body. At the same time this light will be visualized as glowing forth around your body. One may tinker with the visualization imagery as to best suits ones own vibration and experience. I invite you to partake of your own will this daily exercise in spiritual awareness and evolution. 
