
Showing posts from November, 2017

Overcoming negativity through positivity

The life we wish The vast majority of individuals do not take the time to stop and consider what is it is they truly want from life and or understand why they might not be receiving it.  The only factor that keeps a person from having the life they wish is negativity. This means if our negative traits that we hold onto daily were released we would begin to experience the life we desire. Negative traits we harbor tend to be from past experience and or have been influenced by others typically while we were young.  The unstoppable mind When nothing negative is holding you back your positive traits then have the ability to shine through. You are also better equipped to focus on good meaningful because momentum will have built in your chosen direction.  An individual could also fortify their positive characteristics within study and practice of Metaphysical Science which would allow these traits to grow and expand organically throughout one’s being. Building tom...

Using our God-Mind to defeat negativity

Armor of God  There are numerous ways our God-mind supports the body in ridding if of negativity. A few methods in helping the God-mind fortify the light body and oppose negative vibrations are by meditating and conditioning of the subconscious. When we use these applications properly the spirit of God shines through us and strengthens an individual’s positive attributes. Meditation and affirmations  As stated an individual can meditate and use affirmations for positive cognitive programming. An example of this would be taking a negative impression of yourself such as lack of confidence and then creating an affirmation that generates confidence within your being.  Affirmations are strongest when an individual personally creates them because they hold more power for that specific individual.  Sneak peak affirmation  The following affirmation may be given in regards to installing confidence in oneself as an example; “Confidence, based on the infin...

Christ and the good work

The Christ  Christ to a greater part of the masses believe that he is an embodiment of salvation. The true teachings of Christ will show repeatedly he invited his followers to look within themselves to find the light of God. Christ instructed his followers not to externalize and glorify what they perceive with their eyes, even himself. Christ in reference to his good works When Christ spoke the term his “good works” he was pointing out that it was the father that doeth his great works. This implies that in reality you as an individual are not alone in what you are trying to accomplish or create so to speak. This means one does not need to go about daily life in an unfulfilled manner. This is because the father that is doing these great works also resides within you, the eternal you, the real you. Christ and discovering the God-mind Christ and other mystics alike discovered throughout the ages and as consciousness evolved that the God power of the higher mind is the suc...

Your mind as the universal magnet

                                      ⇛   ⇚    Your physical brain and universal matter To begin it is prudent to have a base understanding that everything in the universe is composed of energy which means we as individuals are also energetic beings. This relates to the makeup of conditions in our lives because these conditions are as we state again for emphasis are also made of energy. One may refer to this unseen field of energetic's as psychic energy. This exchanging of energy through the psychic fields propels the process of life for an individual. As such the physical brain is a tool that is used by your one true God-mind. The true mind of God within an individual is as you may have concluded also a field of energy. Consciousness and mental energy frequencies The mind or consciousness as we know it ...

Harnessing the power of your internal guidance system

                                 ⇛     ⇚ Society in relation to the God-mind There are many avenues and paths that society within this reality as we know it shall attempt to solicit ones attention. The alternative to going with society and living life in frustration is to be guided by an inner wisdom to a successful life through one’s God-self. When a person is tuned into their God-mind they are then intuitively guided to rely on self-direction. This self-direction that is being relied on is coming from a higher source. Bringing your guidance system online The main factor over any technique that contributes to establishing a relationship with your internal guidance system is the spirit in which one approaches life. For an individual this will mean many things such as but not limited to; absolutely wanting to recei...

A metaphysical perspective to winning the game of life

                                ⇛    ⇚ Being the winner Why is it that individuals seem to be accepted more within society if they are perceived to have a winning atmosphere about them? People are drawn to a winner because this vibrational state of being is the manifestation of the human spirit. Being in a constant state of “winning” is a great example of manifesting our true nature therefore it is of no surprise that an individual who has a winning personality will seem to be received in an open loving energy by the majority. Knowing thy self and failure All failures can be looked at as steps towards experiencing success. Every mishap, failure, and mistake an individual encounters propels them one step closer to winning. Each failure is a symbolic representation of one more step taken on our path. An individual may encou...

Staying positive minded while based within a transcendent attitude

                                    ⇛     ⇚ Juxtaposition and forming the triangle Staying positive minded within today's societal structure can be a very daunting task indeed. One might strain to be vigilant of the mind and thus it’s thoughts as they hold key to your conscious reality. To be in a receptive state of being one would find fit to be in a positive state of being. Thoughts on wisdom, power, and attitude shall form if ones desire aligns with the souls will an energetic triangle imbued by a positive transcendent attitude. Within this vibration one shall remain aware of the universal God-mind. This is of great importance as this is a life changing frequency that each individual has the inherent ability to tap into by will or design. Psychological effects of negative thinking unto oneself An individual...

Harnessing God and mastering weakness

                                      ⇛   ⇚ The empty vessel If an individual were able to eliminate all weaknesses and fear induced areas of their life one would only be left with a mental frame of success and motivation. It is exciting to imagine how productive that concept would be considering the energetic times we now find ourselves co-creating in. One may yet rejoice as there are paths and intersections along the road of life that will offer opportunities to individuals that are keen to harnessing them for evolution of self. Our own prison When one attempts to unsuccessfully control or force the mind it can lead an individual to escapism’s such as overeating, drinking, and procrastination. These powerful energies influence the mind and nervous system causing one to think and act in ways that are self-defeating. ...

Tuning into your God-mind for success and happiness

                               ⇛     ⇚ Inaction the plague The only thing that prevents any individual from taking action is self-doubt. Individuals who take action are doing so on spiritual faith since they are indeed acting on faith. Once the mind identifies what that faith is for said individual it can then become a focal point or pillar if you will for concentration of the individual’s consciousness. This will then make the faith being expressed through your God-self more real and effective. We are multiple The nature of the two selves that exist in every person is broke down into two parts which we will refer to as a) temporary self and b) the real self. The temporary self is limited in its awareness of itself or its possibilities and is created by the conditioning of society. The real self on the other hand gives ca...

Positive metaphysical visualization for spiritual acceleration

                                ⇛    ⇚ Mystical power In Metaphysical teachings mystical power is defined as the universal presence of God, which has its presence at the center of the human mind. When an individual is positively thinking on a conscious level of the mind, it allows the mystical power of your God-self to express through you. Your God-mind is positive in nature thus thinking positive helps express the mystical power of your God-self. “Spiritual ESP” and staying positive Having a spiritual base for positive thinking is of great importance because as stated previously our God-mind is positive by nature thus staying in a vibration of positivity will accelerate the integration of the God-mind. This realization will open a continual channel for positive thinking on the conscious level. The term spiritual ESP is bei...

"Prosperity" - attracting it and maintaining it

                                     ⇛   ⇚ Prosperity might be just a word but we as a collective society love to attach meaning to words thus we will humble attach a few more. The word “prosperity” in metaphysical usage is in no way confined to financial conditions. Prosperity for an individual should not only reflect on finances but also on such things as love, peace, and health. If these areas are lacking in an individual then the mind will not feel truly prosperous. Also when we feel lack in these other areas it will then bleed over into other areas such as finances. Mental attitude as true source prosperity The right mental attitude for attracting prosperity is one that is constantly open and expecting new ideas, inspiration and intuition from our higher God-mind. In a continual state of openness and expectancy the ...

A glance into mysticism and meditation

Image  One may study mysticism or metaphysics their entire life but the knowledge learned or acquired by whatever means chosen will offer little value to said individual unless it can be applied in a manner that not only improves their life but that of those around them. To that same degree one who would appear to be a vault of esoteric wisdom or a walking encyclopedia is not guaranteed a life of love, success, and prosperity. This is as to say with emphasis once more it is of my opinion that one who claims to possess great knowledge without the ability to demonstrate said knowledge in a meaningful productive way as to advances ones evolutionary trajectory then in fact said knowledge is nothing more than ash in the wind. Focus and importance of mysticism The main focus or practice of mysticism is the art of meditation. Mystical meditation is an expression of love manifested through the various forms of meditation in which the practi...
⇛ ⇚ Welcome to the New Age The Value and importance of meditation as a daily health tool for self-improvement can no longer be over looked or undervalued in the stress induced, fast paced, ever changing world we find ourselves living on called Earth. Our lovely planet inhabits roughly 7.5 billion people, yes that’s correct 7.5 billion walking, talking, different personalities. This total equates for the collective thoughts, perceptions, and actions that mold the direction and quality of life on the planet, yikes! You can see it in the news, on the roads, and at home, simply put the average individual is stressed out more oft then healthy living should permit. Â A shocking total of 80% of American workers indicate they feel stress in the workplace. 91% of adult Australians acknowledge that at least one major aspect of their life is diluted with stress. To top it off records of labor surveys reveal an esti...